$this -> params [ 'prefix' ]. $this -> params [ 'controller' ].
How to convert an octet string to readable string [duplicate] Ask Question 3. Possible Duplicate: Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using. Dec 11, 2008 Hi guys I have to catch a form post from flash, and convert the octet stream into an image to save on the server. Any help would be greatly appreciated Below is my code: byte[] imgBytes =.
About 'application/octet-stream' MIME attachments A MIME attachment with the content type 'application/octet-stream' is a binary file. Typically, it will be an application or a document that must be opened in an application, such as a spreadsheet or word processor. If the attachment has a filename extension associated with it, you may be able to tell what kind of file it is.
A.exe extension, for example, indicates it is a Windows or DOS program (executable), while a file ending in.doc is probably meant to be opened in Microsoft Word. No matter what kind of file it is, an application/octet-stream attachment is rarely viewable in an email or web client. If you are using a workstation-based client, such as Thunderbird or Outlook, the application should be able to extract and download the attachment automatically. After downloading an attachment through any of these methods, you must then open the attachment in the appropriate application to view its contents. Before opening attachments, even from trusted senders, you should follow the guidelines listed in. In addition to the generic application/octet-stream content type, you may also encounter attachments that have different subtypes (for example, application/postscript, application/x-macbinary, and application-msword). They are similar to application/octet-stream, but apply to specific kinds of files.
PDF – is a cross-platform extension, which is necessary for the visualization of printed materials in electronic form. It is created by specialists from Adobe Systems using separate PostScript resources. PDF documents can exist separately from the OS or hardware tools with which they were developed. Files of this format do not have restrictions on the length, number of types and image options, as they allow you to embed various multimedia tools, scan-line and vector images. They are supported by Adobe Reader and many browsers, providing the plugin is installed.