Introduction To Business Law 5th Edition Pdf

Introduction To Business Law 5th Edition Pdf

Reviewed by Jeanne Haser, Associate Professor, Rhode Island College on 4/12/17 Comprehensiveness rating: 5 The text is comprehensive and covers the broad topic of business law. Only one area would require supplementation for my course, that is professional responsibility and ethics, and typically the area of 'Accountant's legal liability' As the course targets accounting students with the intent of taking the CPA exam, a section of accountant's legal liability and professional ethics would require supplementation. As most business law books on the market do not include this, I think it is fair to state the book is comprehensive and comparable to most texts available for our students through the various publishers. Accuracy rating: 4 Text was accurate and I did not find it to be biased.

Any errors were minimal, i.e. Typographical or spacing errors and were infrequent. Relevance/Longevity rating: 4 I am reviewing in 2017, the copyright is 2012.


Introduction to Business Law 5th 5E Jeffrey Beatty Author(s): Jeffrey F. Beatty; Susan S. Samuelson ISBN-13: 398 ISBN-10: 128586039X. Bring cases and legal concepts to life through the innovative storytelling style in CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW. This economically priced resource presents a full range of business law topics in a series of brief, quick-reading chapters.

It did not seem dated or lacking in content, but I do wonder when it might be updated. Clarity rating: 5 Many great examples were given, the points were made quickly and succinctly. Law books necessarily contain a lot of jargon, but it was well explained in laymen's terms. Movie tagalog. Consistency rating: 5 The book was consistent in terminology and framework;, and authors were able to get major points across without excessive wording on a consistent basis. Modularity rating: 4 Book feels like it can be assembled in a different order and without inclusion of all chapters to meet my needs in the course I would consider this book for. Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5 Topics are presented in a typical order for business law.

The flow is clear and logical and well organized. Interface rating: 4 The text is free of distortion. I think more visual stimulation in various forms might be good for a dry topic like business law. It gets the job done, however. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The grammar was error free, at least no errors were apparent. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The book was culturally relevant. Examples were sensitive, inclusive and well rounded.

Comments I was pleasantly surprised to find an open textbook that was worthy of adoption for a business law class in our School of Management. I had been skeptical about the quality of open texts, but was surprised to find materials that could be used and would save students a great deal of money. It was on par with many of the expensive texts that I have used in the past or used in a supplemental fashion for my 400 level class.

I commend the authors for their hard work and commitment to creating an open textbook. I do think that the book would benefit from some form of visual design to be more stimulating. This is a topic that is not a real 'page turner' and getting students to read is a challenge. I would like to experiment and see if students can see the value of the open text.

I will need to see how I as a faculty can deal with the ancillaries or without the ancillaries that I am used to having with typical publisher textbooks. Reviewed by Jena Martin, Associate Dean, West Virginia University on 12/6/16 Comprehensiveness rating: 4 The book provides an extensive overview of many (if not most) of the relevant issues that would arise in the business law context. In fact, due to the comprehensive nature of the book, some of the chapters may in fact be redundant and could be streamlined (for instance, many of the issues that arise in Chapters 9-13 relating to agreements, assent and, consideration, could also be covered within the context of Chapter 53 – Contracts). One drawback is that the textbook does not appear to have an index of any kind, which could be a significant drawback, particularly for those students who have no prior familiarity with either business or legal issues. Similarly, while there is a list of “key terms” throughout the chapters, having all terms available within a glossary (in one place) would help with the readability of the model.

Perhaps, in the future, the authors would consider maintaining the key terms but then hyperlinking those terms back to a glossary (or vice versa). The book also seems to place the right amount of emphasis on the subjects that business students would encounter more in their field – so there is a significant amount of information on corporate law and less information devoted to criminal law. Accuracy rating: 5 Although I am not an expert on every aspect of the legal environment, it seems that all of the information presented is accurate. In those areas in which I have a specific expertise (business and securities laws) the information seems to be error-fee and accurate.

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