Konverter Edinic Izmereniya Programma

Konverter Edinic Izmereniya Programma

FIELD: information and measurement equipment for collection and recording of information formed by parametric pickups, specifically, for recording of flight information. SUBSTANCE: information recording device has commutator of analog signals and matching and scaling unit connected to inputs of multichannel analog-to-digital converter, control unit based on microcomputer which first input of bit input- output port is connected to output of analog-to-digital converter, commutator of one-time commands and converter of frequency signals by shape and level which outputs are connected to second bit input port and to third input of microcomputer correspondingly. First, second and third outputs of bit input-output port of microcomputer are connected to control inputs of analog-to-digital converter, fourth and fifth outputs of input-output port are connected to control inputs of commutator of analog signals and commutator of one-time commands correspondingly.

CoBOL 1>Rukovodstvo po remontu renault premium 420 dci (common Business-Oriented Language) KOBOL.Yazyk programmirovaniya, razrabotannyi KODASIL (coDASYL) dlya ekonomicheskih zadach.KOBOL otlichaetsya razvitymi sredstvami raboty s failami i formoi zapisi, priblizhennoi k angliiskomu yazyku.

Konverter Edinic Izmereniya Programma

Port of series interface of microcomputer is connected by two-way communication to transceiver. Control unit is additionally fitted with address, data and control buses connected correspondingly to parallel ports of address, data and control of microcomputer as well as to register and logical OR circuit. More significant digits of address bus are connected to data input of register which synchroinput is connected to output of OR circuit which first input is connected to control bus and which second input-to sixth output of bit input-output port of microcomputer. Data port of static storage is connected by two-way communication to data bus of control unit.

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Less significant digits of address port of storage are connected to proper digits of address bus and more significant digits of address port which numbers are higher than number of more significant digit of address bus are connected to outputs of register also connected to first inputs of control port of storage and to address inputs of commutator of analog signals, commutator of one-time commands and second input of control port of storage are connected to control bus of control unit. Outputs of converter of frequency signals are connected to inputs of port of interruptions of microcomputer. EFFECT: enhanced functional reliability and efficiency of device. 1 cl, 1 dwg Description Translated from Russian.

Blizkie slova:  (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) coBOL 1> ( common Business-Oriented Language) KOBOL. Yazyk programmirovaniya, razrabotannyi KODASIL ( coDASYL) dlya ekonomicheskih zadach. KOBOL otlichaetsya razvitymi sredstvami raboty s failami i formoi zapisi, priblizhennoi k angliiskomu yazyku.

CoBOL 1> _inform. KOBOL, yazyk programmirovaniya dlya kommercheskih i delovyh zadach coDASYL 1> ( conference on Data System Languages) KODASIL. Organizaciya, kuriruemaya Ministerstvom oborony SShA, i zanimayushayasya razrabotkoi standartnyh sredstv dlya obrabotki ekonomicheskoi informacii, v pervuyu ochered', svyazannyh s yazykom KOBOL. 2> Razrabotannyi KODASIL standart na arhitekturu i yazykovoi interfeis setevyh sistem upravleniya bazami dannyh. CoEM commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer coGO coordinate Geometry (Programming Language) coI Central Office of Information noun Central'noe upravlenie informacii coM command (file name extension) coM1 First serial Port (asynchronous port) coM2 Se cond serial Port coM3 Third serial Port coM4 Fourth serial Port coMAL 1> ( common Algorithmic Language) yazyk programmirovaniya, ispol'zuemyi v ryade Evropeiskih stran dlya obucheniya programmirovaniyu. CoMDEX computer Dealers Exposition coNFIG configuration coRAL 1> Algolopodobnyi yazyk programmirovaniya, razrabotannyi i primenyaemyi v organizaciyah ministerstva oborony Velikobritanii (ot computer On-Line Real-time Applications Language). CoRBA common Object Request Broker Architecture, edinaya arhitektura programmy-brokera ob'ektnyh zaprosov (sostavnaya chast' OMA) co-op.

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Konverter Edinic Izmereniya Programma
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