Aspect of the life of the Africans and it cannot be studied in isolation. Its study has to go hand-in-hand with the study of the people who practise the religion. When we speak of African Traditional Religion, we mean the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Africans. It is the religion which resulted from the sustaining faith held. The Supreme Philosophy of Man: The Laws of Life [Alfred Armand Montapert] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Here, in forty-seven clearly defined and developed steps, is a blueprint for man's life! The formulas for the highest and best life known.Outline for Dynamic Living.
Author by: B. Bahirat Language: en Publisher by: Motilal Banarsidass Publ. Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 16 Total Download: 305 File Size: 48,6 Mb Description: The Present work is devoted to the philosophical teachings of Jnanadeva the well-known 13h century saint and genius of Maharashtra in whom we find a rare combination of poetry, philosophy and deep religious experience. The author has based his work mainly on Jnanadeva`s Amrtanabhava, but he has also taken into consideration other works of Jnanadeva. He gives a clear and lucid exposition of Jnanadeva's theory of Chidvilasa, which is approached by him through an acute criticism of the theory of Avidya. He also shows how Jnanadeva's philosophy culminates in his conception of natural devotion and forms a firm foundation of the Bhakti-cult in Maharashtra.
The views of Jnanadeva are also compared with those of Eastern and Western thinkers. This is the first attempt to present in English the Philosophy of Jnanadeva in a systematic form and to convey a clear vision of his lofty and integral idealism. Author by: Robert K.
Wen Language: en Publisher by: iUniverse Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 95 Total Download: 975 File Size: 46,8 Mb Description: Philosophy One Mans Overview is for those who have had little contact with the discipline of philosophy but have a persistent interest in the subject, and for those who think recurrently about where they stand in the larger scheme of things. The book aims to expose the reader to a wide array of ideas from the worlds most influential philosophers, aiding him or her to become more perceptive and confident on lifes journey.
The book has three segments. The first provides an introduction to philosophy terminology, an explanation of philosophys relevance and usefulness, and a summary of the three major world philosophical traditions the Western, Indian and Chinese. The second discusses the three traditions more substantially, exploring the philosophies of such thinkers as Lao Zi, Aristotle and Kant, and philosophies such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Existentialism and Contemporary New Confucianism (). Finally, the third segment compares the three philosophical traditions. It also includes some thoughts of the author on world peace, as well as on a world viewbased on a deism with Nature as its representation--concerning human character, the living of a life as the purpose of life, and the meaning of death. Author by: Surendranath Dasgupta Language: en Publisher by: Motilal Banarsidass Publ. Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 33 Total Download: 672 File Size: 40,7 Mb Description: The work appears in five volumes.
I comprises Buddhist and Jaina Philosophy and the six systems of Hindu thought, viz., Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Mimamsa and Vedanta. It also contains the philosophy of the Yogavasistha, the Bhagavadgita and speculations in the medical schools.
III contains an elaborate account of the Principal Dualistic and Pluralistic Systems such as the philosophy of the Pancaratra, Bhaskara, Yamuna, Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Vijnanabhiksu and philosophical speculations of some of the selected Puranas. IV deals with the Bhagavata Purana, Madhva and his School, Vallabha, Caitanya, Jiva Gosvami and Baladeva Vidyabhusana.
V treats the Southern Schools of Saivism, viz., Saiva Siddhanta, Vira Saivism, philosophy of Srikantha. Saiva Philosophy in the Puranas and in some important texts. In the words of the Oxford Journal 'the collection of data, editing and the interpretation of every school of thought is a feat unparalleled in the field of history of philosophy.'
Author by: S.T. Padgett Language: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 86 Total Download: 899 File Size: 50,8 Mb Description: A. The science of sound thomas d rossing pdf free. PURPOSE AND PLAN William Temple was trained as a philosopher and lectured on phi losophy at Oxford (1904), but his concern for labor, education, journalism, and the Church of England led him away from philosophy as a profession. Enthroned in 1942 as Archbishop of Canterbury, Temple persisted in applying his Christian position to the solution of the problems of the day. He will be remembered for his contributions in many areas of life and thought: his work in the ecumenical movement, and his writings in theology and social ethics attest to the variety and depth of his concern, but of special significance is his contribution toward the construction of a distinctly Christian philosophy relevant to the twentieth century. Although Temple did not work out a systematic formulation of his Christian philosophy, the bases for a Christian philosophy are never theless evident in his position. It is the purpose of the present work to enter sympathetically and critically into the major facets of Temple's position and to weave together, as far as is legitimate, the separate strands of his thought into a meaningful, even if not a completely unified, Christian philosophy.