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The article studies the relationship between first-grader’s psychological readiness to school and his status position in the academic collective, i.e. Study of the relationship between social success among first graders in social relationships with their peers and teacher and the degree of his/her readiness to school according to the traditional cognitive criteria. The first-grader’s readiness to school was assessed at the beginning of the school year with a traditional system of psychological methods and teacher completed the “first-grader’s card”.
At the end of the school year the sociometric survey was conducted in the parametric setting and indices of positive and negative sociometric status of each child were calculated. The experimental data were processed using the SPSS software package. Trinity blood opening mp3 download torrent. The results indicate the importance of the socio-psychological component in the adequate assessment of the child’s readiness for school. The traditional assessment of the cognitive abilities is not sufficient. References • Bozhovich L.I.
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