Design and cost information for wet/dry tower systems are presented, and these cooling system alternatives are compared with wet and dry tower systems to determine whether the wet/dry tower concept is an economically viable alternative. For static systems design and simulation. Powerful tool for thermal system as air conditioning system, refrigerating cooling system design. Include many heat exchanger models for detailed structure design or sizing calculation, such as coils.
There are many design guideline to assist engineers to understand the basic principles of cooling towers. These towers are basically used to remove excess heat that is generated in places such as power stations, chemical plants and even domestically in air conditioning units, and are relatively inexpensive and a dependable means of removing low-grade heat from cooling water and have developed into an important part of a plant (and widely use in various plants).
There are different types of cooling towers, air and water flow pattern. Try our Neri calculator tool for free. When you sign up, we offer you a 1-day free trial of 50 calculations. This useful and easy program let you quickly and securely perform calculations for the design of a new cooling tower project, upgrade the performance of an existing counter-flow tower and verify its efficiency and working conditions. It works with all types of cooling towers and with different types of fill (splash or film). The calculating program, besides covering the whole range of TURBOsplash PAC ® TM fill material, it's also suitable for calculating 'FILM' material channels 12,19 and 27 mm. For your free 1-day trial, click here to go to the calculating program.
After using the program, please go to our and send us any questions and/or comments about your experience using the tool. We greatly appreciate your feedback.
BAC’s Product Selection Software contains performance and technical data for all of BAC’s evaporative cooling products: Cooling Towers, Closed Circuit Cooling Towers, and Evaporative Condensers. The software provides: Equipment Selections: • Input design conditions and obtain best model selections • Select a model and obtain its performance capability • Generate performance curves Technical Information: • Dimensions, weights, motor horsepower, connections sizes, layout restrictions, etc. • Sound level data • Equipment specifications • CAD Drawings In order to access the available Product Selection Software programs, you must either or for The Loop. The ENDURADRIVE Fan System mobile Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator is available on both iOs and Droid Platforms.
This tool calculates the additional costs you may not have included when considering your cooling tower drive system. These extra costs include: energy costs, energy demand charge, life expectancy, maintenance, and labor costs over the life of the equipment. Be sure to calculate your total savings over the life of your equipment.
The ENDURADRIVE Fan System is currently available for the. How Do I Install This On My Mobile Device? Android: From Chrome for Android, tap the menu button and tap Add to homescreen. Enter a name for the shortcut and then add it to your home screen.
IPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch: From Safari for Apple’s iOS, tap the Share button on the browser’s toolbar (rectangle with an arrow pointing upward). It’s on the bar at the top of the screen on an iPad, and on the bar at the bottom of the screen on an iPhone or iPod Touch. Tap the Add to Home Screen icon in the Share menu.
Enter a name for the shortcut and then add it to your home screen. In order to access the ENDURADRIVE Fan System TCO Calculator, you must either or for The Loop.