Galileo was famous for inventing the thermometer, perfecting the telescope and for experimenting with gravity and pendulums (which influenced Newton's laws of motion). He als o dropped all Aristotelian talk of WHY things moved, and thought more about HOW things move, through painstaking observations and measurements. Galileo also thought of things such as time, distance, and acceleration to describe how things move. Undangan cdr. His observations supported the heliocentric (Sun-centered) solar system as proposed by Copernicus. Advocating this theory led to his trial for heresy against the church, for which he was placed under house arrest for the final years of his life.
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Galileo Galilei was a famous Italian scientist and astronomer whoproved that all objects revolve around the sun, not the earth. Hesupported Nicolas Copernicus's theory. He inv ented the refractortelescope, discovered the craters on the moon, the four largestmoons of Jupiter and phases of Venus. He lived from 1564-1642. Healso discovered that no matter the mass of two objects, they bothfall at the same speed. He had three children, two were girls. Galileo also contradicted many of Aristotle's theories.He didn'tbelieve in philosophy, though he perferred using experiments toprove his theories.That's how he found out that two objects ofdifferent weight fall at the same speed.
Not only did Galileosupport Nicolas theory,but he also supported Isaac Newton's theoryon gravity. Sadly,for contradicting Aristotle's ideas,Galileo wasto be on house arrest. When he died,his theories were finallyproved correct. He was the father of modern astronomy.
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