With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives. However, a new threat appears in the form of Beerus, the God of Destruction. Considered the most terrifying being in the entire universe, Beerus is eager to fight the legendary warrior seen in a prophecy foretold decades ago known as the Super Saiyan God. The series retells the events from the two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' before proceeding to an original story about the exploration of alternate universes. Great anime is what it is. Lovable characters, intense action, humor, and anticipation are all blended into a seemingly never ending story that keeps you wanting for more.
The variety of new characters that this new series brings is especially wonderful - it's both, wide and thoughtful. The fight sequences are good as ever, with thrilling and suspenseful moments that draw you the more.
Can't wait for Sundays! The only real downside is the occasional drop-down in graphics quality.
Jan 19, 2009 Best Answer: Go to Dragon Ball Z Mp4. This Site Might Help You. RE: Where can I download episodes of dragon ball in mp4.
It's a shame that this happens with such a legendary anime. How to install openproj. I'm not exactly fond of how Goku is portrayed as a rather naive, unclever person at times. However, he is ultimately still a very great character. I really enjoy this anime. Hope it will last long!